Autistic screeching bedeutung, Что означает "reeeee"? - Вопрос о Английский (американский вариант) | HiNative

Autistic screeching bedeutung

Then you get the whites. Святой манчкин! Call it diplomacy, public relations or simple good manners: lying is one of the things that makes the world go round.

Drunken knight Всем похуй , но однажды я хотел пса в детстве погладить а это был лабрадор просто он был привязан на поводке , мне казалось он добрый , в итоге дыра в кисти руки чуть левее вены , мне повезло, и да , он вцепился в плоти и буквально оставил дыру а еще меня отвезли в самую близкую больницу , в итоге мне не обработали рану и тупо зашили , через неделю прихожу на перевязку , в итоге там оказалась бешеная инфекция , но всё обошлось , просидел две недели в больнице.

А легендарные сорок уколов в живот? Little bee Ну , нет , там бешенство не могло быть говорю же , собака на поводке , значит у неё был хозяин , но в больнице объяснили что у собак зубы грязные и из-за той грязи , у меня началась инфекция и мне поставили сорок уколов в жопу.

Biashik Jadelord Тогда уже "потрахано". Shirashi Херовина Что, решил ко мне лезть?! Ты, засранец вонючий, мать твою, а? IIIBeD Yakusa До сих пор ахуеваю с этого названия. Seeking Justice превратилось вот в это. Так же как "Eagle eye" превратился в "на крючке" и еще миллион подобных недопереводов. Но больше всех удивил перевод фильма "Firewall", когда не надо они, блядь, перевели дословно "огненная стена", давно хочу посмотреть на этих ебанатов переводчиков. JeniferPopez Не то, чтобы я был сторонником этого, но названия фильмов НЕ переводят, их называют заново на языке локализации.

Новое название может быть близким к переводу, а может быть абсолютно другим. Смысл в том, что правильный перевод названия может не иметь того эффекта, который есть у оригинального названия. Все всегда винят переводчиков, а они тут ни при чём. Мне кажется это не локализаторам решать, какое название должно быть у фильма, авторам виднее как его называть.

Если только это не непереводимая игра слов. Но эти бездари и тут лажают, тот же firewall тому пример. Так я и не спорю. Я написал, что не поддерживаю это, просто написал почему так происходит.

Просто каждый раз у всех подгорает, мол переводчики лохи эдакие в английский не могут. Ну, взяли не с потолка. В самом фильме это кодовая фраза. Просто у нас ее решили вынести в название. Айневераскфорзис Nameless У грызунов есть такая особенность поведения, если популяция становится дофига огромной они становятся жутко агрессивными, даже перестают бояться своих природных врагов - хищников, которые их жрут.

Это если исключить бешенство, все же оно вероятнее. Kwisful Это же столетний баян. Becky: I happen to find it interesting. Suggest A gree b u t say Becky: OK. A ndy: OK. Com pare w ith you r partner. W h a t can you hear, see, fe el, smell? Tell th e class.

Have you heard o f any o f these phenom ena? W hich can you see in th e pictures? Q Listen and read to find o u t. Justify your 1 A ccording to the English and understand colloquial conversation. Compare idioms in the English language to idioms in 1 Take your big umbrella with you. This will help you remember them Are there similar ones 4 I found a new job that I like better after losing in your language?

In В confused, puzzled three minutes w rite about your experience С someone who is only around when things are good and feelings. Tell the class about it. It E feels a bit ill has been raining since morning. Say th e of every day by 1.

It was a terrible national tragedy that the country will need a great deal of time to recover from. If headlines in you r language. I 4 [ The government immediately ordered an evacuation of hundreds of thousands of residents. Explosions th e class w h a t you th in k rocked the plant as courageous technicians struggled to control happened in Japan in M arch the damage and prevent a nuclear meltdown. Over the next few days, a large number of aftershocks continued to shake Japan, causing plenty of problems for rescue teams as : : In March , an undersea earthquake they raced to find survivors.

Soon after, A 4-month-old disaster th en read th e te x t. Can baby girl was pulled alive from the rubble four days after the you an sw er yo u r questions? A man was found clinging to his rooftop as it was floating 14 km out at sea 2 days after the tsunami. And there was the Japanese student in California, desperate for news of her lost family, who found them on a YouTube news clip. Five b Choose th e correct w ords.

Explain you r answ ers, о sentences are m issing. M atch th en m ake sentences using th e o th e r w ords. There is one e x tra sentence. Many thousands o f people lost th e ir lives and roads, buildings and entire g Read the sentences. Which phrase is not possible in each villages w ere sw ept away. Which can be follow ed by: a countable, D Sadly, th e re w ere hardly any uncountable noun?

Find more examples in the te x t in Ex. Check in th e w ith th e ir m eanings: ho ldin g on G ram m ar Reference section. Anna nor Steve were in Japan when the incom plete, unable to leave, pieces earthquake struck. Quantifiers v g M ake sentences based on th e te x t using: the whole of, 5 a W rite С co u n tab le , a large am ount of, hardly any, most people, little hope, a few. H o w did you feel? In a fe w m inutes, 3 litt le , to o m u c h , very little w rite a fe w sentences.

You can use th e headlines in Ex 1a. W hich are: natural? T F Use th e headlines in Ex. No one died in th e accident. How horrible! Choose a disaster which was in Did you hear? Prepare a short people have been injured.

W rite d o w n th ree questions you w o u ld like to ask. Q L is te n and read to see if you can answ er your questions. There is one extra heading. This usually happens on a fault line and This water forms a wave. Just like when you throw a pebble into a lake, the A tsunam i is sim ilar to th ro w in g water ripples outwards.

It is the same with a tsunami, but the water a n As the wave moves towards the land, it increases in speed and strength. Many of them come inland as a strong and fast tide. However, the impact of the A tsunam i can After the initial tsunami hits land, there are often other waves following it, buildings and destroy ecosystems. The same as the ripples from the pebble mentioned before, but on a much larger scale.

Tell your partner or w rite four things you have learnt about Water is a very powerful force and can cause tremendous damage. As tsunam is. ICT Collect m ore in fo rm a tio n a b o u t tsunam is.

W ritin g stories 2 W h a t is th e clim ax event? Stories can be abo ut real or im aginary situations. They can be in first person I, we or th ird person 4 H ow did th e characters feel? Before w e start w ritin g a story, we first decide on the type o f story, the main characters and the plot. One day, we decided to take a In the main body paragraphs, we describe the journey on a steam train which became a thrilling adventure. In the final paragraph w e w rite w h a t happened We had been enjoying the smooth ride when something in the end and how the character s felt.

We had just come out of a tunnel and We normally use past tenses and time linkers as, we were slowly making our way down a hill when suddenly when, after, later, while, suddenly, finally, etc to help there was a loud screeching noise. Then, instead of slowing down we began to speed up. We can also use a varie у o f adjectives and adverbs and direct speech People started screaming frantically.

A man got out of his seat and ran quickly to the front of the train. A few minutes later, the train began to slow е ш д а down. Soon after that, we pulled into the next station and U nderstanding rubrics we all got up anxiously to see what had happened.

It seems To plan yo u r piece o f w ritin g you need to the driver had hit his head and fallen unconscious. We were relieved to hear that no reader w h ich w ill help you decide w h a t style one had been hurt and that the driver was well. A n sw er th e questions. В We pulled in to th e next sta tio n. J sh o rt stories describing a nasty holiday D A man ran to th e fro n t o f th e tra in.

The best sto ry w ins a E The drive r h it his head. J thre e-d ay v is it to London. W rite yo u r story fo r F The tra in began to speed up. G The tra in started to slo w dow n. H The drive r was w e ll. We can use our senses to make the descriptions more vivid.

We can describe what we see e. S tart w ith th e sentence given. Steve could never expect his weekend trip w ould end like this. Put th e pictures in th e correct o rder to m ake th e w ave r u s h in g Q Listen and check. He ISO w ords about a nasty experience. Use the pictures in looked at us coldly then disappeared in Ex.

Follow th e plan. After they Dark clouds All of a sudden, He is in my room waiting for me. Para 4: what happened in the end, feelings Before long Read th e rubric, th en read th e te x t th ro u g h once. W h a t 2 M any fam ilies w ere listening is it about? It was the night before Halloween, , and families L is te n in g M ultiple around the USA changed stations on their radios to m atching find themselves listening to a radio programme featuring Ramon Raquello and his Orchestra.

Something was climbing out of the smoke-filled crater, something from another planet. Reporters e. Listeners panicked. Some ran onto the streets using wet towels as i You w ill hear 5 different news gas masks and some raced to be with their families in their last reports from a radio programme, moments.

Others loaded guns and hid in cellars, preparing to defend i Match the speakers to the themselves against whatever had landed! Also, phonelines were news headlines A-F. There is jammed as desperate citizens tried to find out exactly what was i one extra news headline. It was an alien invasion! Seventy years ago, very few households had a television so people got their news from newspapers or the radio.

They believed what they read or heard.

Autistic screeching bedeutung

So when people found out that the invasion was just a radio play, they were furious. W hich over the newspapers and there were calls for the government to pass laws to stop similar things ever w ords helped you decide? Orson Welles went on to have a glorious film career, but he will never be forgotten as the man who convinced America that the Martians had landed!

Then read the title o f the text and look at the picture. W hat could the te x t be about? Read Д a О Listen and read. Underline through quickly and check to get the general idea.

I paparazzi, w ildlife photographers, sports photographers, to name think both o f these are silly and a but a few - use their images to illustrate an article; my photos waste o f time.

It could be a conflict like Somalia or a disaster like Hurricane Katrina and it often means spending weeks Likes Dislikes away from home.

One of the things I love about my job is the diversity. Depending on e njoy Is it dangerous? I met a woman three weeks ago who told me that my coverage of war victims in Somalia had inspired her to become a doctor.

Photographers are really exciting, etc used to wait days or weeks for the right moment to get the shot, but fascinating, etc with an HD video camera, you can film continuously and then just freeze-frame to get the perfect picture.

In pairs, with me from Alaska to Zanzibar. It was with me when I took some of th in k o f w ords relate d to my most moving pictures - the ones of the 33 Chilean miners being th e topic. Give a 1. Compare your answers w ith your partner. Fill in the gaps w ith the proper Com plete th e gapped sentences so th a t they lexical form o f the capitalised words.

Compare w ith your partner. Use tw o to five w ords including the w ord given. Accurate spelling and gram m ar is James Boole is an incredibly lucky man, jumped out o f a helicopter at required.

James was making a When James avalanche w arnings. The helicopter crew found him in a 1m crater in the avalanche w arnings.

W rite your story. Г ——————————————————————4 Have you used a va rie ty o f past tenses? The best story w ill appear in Have you used lin kin g w o rds to show th e j th e next e d itio n o f th e m agazine.

W rite your sequence o f events? Have you used a variety o f in terestin g a d je c tiv e s! Words often confused plates Give it to you r partner. Check th e ir answ ers. A lava fo u n ta in can shoo t up 5 Fire tornadoes are rare. Blue John Canyon is in Utah.

New Orleans in W h at do you know about this man? Think o f three questions. Q Listen and read the text. Can you answer your questions? He is an airman, Major Yuri Gagarin. An hour earlier the spacecraft Vostok 1, with Yuri Gagarin as its only crew, 2 Yuri was the only person was fired from a launch pad in Baikonur in Kazakhstan. It orbited the Earth in th e spacecraft. The ships flight path took it up to space and over the Pacific th a t people could n o t travel Ocean, South America, across the equator, and the South Atlantic before in space.

His safe return 4 Yuri had already been fam ous put to rest worries that space flight could be fatal to humans and opened in Russia before achieving his the doors to space travel. The Soviet Union fo r his achievem ent. The Soviet leader Nikita Khrushschev 3 Tell you r p a rtn e r th ree things congratulated Gagarin on his achievement and sent him a message from th a t im pressed you from th e his Black Sea holiday home in which he said that the flight opened up a te x t.

Major Yuri Gagarin, a previously unknown army officer, instantly became a national hero and an international icon. Today, the landing site at Engels has become a monument park at the W ould you like to go to space? Present it to th e. In w hich o f th e shops w o u ld you hear sentences 1- 12? Compare them 1 "H ave you g o t th is in a sm aller size? Which do 3 "Excuse me, w here are the biographies? Q Listen to th e dialogues. In w hich shop does each ta k e place?

M ake sentences as in th e exam p le. W hat do you u sually w e ar? The bag is made o f silk. Justify you r answ ers. W ell, believe it or last long. For the first tim e 2 Spray-on clothes can be ever, scie ntists have fo u n d a recycled. The first item is a fu lly-fu n ctio n a l 4 3D prin te rs are very b icycle m ade o f nylon called the A irbike.

It com es out as a co m p le te bike w ith no a ssem bly required. The po ssib ilitie s for this new te c h n o lo g y 5 3D p rinters could be used are endless. M edical researchers hope th a t w ith a special in m edicine.

They have already w h en you ta lk to it. Find m ore exam ples in th e te x t in Ex. Grace is the star of a d a plan or in te n tio n show hom e by M icrosoft that dem onstrates m uch of this technology and all of it is going e an o n -th e -sp o t decision to be on the m arket within the next few years.

Choose th e correct verb form. In three 6 Some superm arkets are using plastic bags w hich m inutes w rite a fe w sentences.

Autistic screeching bedeutung

Tell th e class You only w anted some m ilk and a loaf of bread, so w hy is your basket overflow ing by the tim e you get to the checkout? W ell, the answer lies in the tricks supermarkets use to m ake you spend m ore. Ex 1 THE TRI f As you walk into the supermarket, the delicious smell o f freshly-baked bread hits you and you im m ediately start feeling hungry. Then, right by the entrance, you see beautiful displays o f fresh and colourful produce, m aking you feel even hungrier.

Also, starting your cheapest either. Yet, w ith where the tom ato ketchup is, the shop moves it? Then, when you fin a lly arrive at the great bargain, but always check how much an item costs checkout, there are tem p ting displays o f sweets and individually. Supermarkets know that customers tend to choose If you th in k all these things are sneaky, look at what products that are at eye level, so the items on the m iddle supermarkets are planning fo r the near future!

Shops w ill shelves are usually the most expensive ones. Cheaper scan your loyalty card as soon as you w alk in and send brands are on high shelves that are hard to reach. So, m oney-off coupons to your m obile phone as you shop. If n o t, w h a t extras do you usually buy?

Use th e phrases to m ake 7 Heinz is one o f Fill in -ing form , fo -in fin itive, or in fin itive w ith o u t to.

Severe autism rage and self injury due to unknown low blood sugar

Find line; Give one exam ple fo r each category. Read th e exam ples. H ow 8 Put th e verbs in brackets in to th e fo j-in fin itiv e or -ing fo rm. H o w does each verb d iffe r in m eaning? That supermarket is the most expensive a We regret The bigger the supermarket, the easier it b Try He spends more and more money every day.

In th re e m inutes, tasted. W h at is th e history behind each product? О Listen and read to find out. Alm ost eve ry o n e does!

Read again. W hich product or But have you e v e r w o ndered products: w h a t th e stories are behind 1 was o rig in a lly hom em ade? The story o f jeans goes back to the In , George Crum was One day, a custom er p urpose? At first, many places w ith them and other diners began a ship, people who work with their such as theatres and restaurants asking fo r them , too.

Fast- hands, not thin, recipe, basic, banned them. Nowadays, forw ard to the 21st century and, crunchy, components o f a mixture. John Pemberton, a pharm acist from Georgia, invented the Present th em to you r p a rtn e r or original Coca-Cola form ula in a three-legged brass k e ttle in his to th e class. Dr Pemberton sold about 9 servings each day. Coca-Cola remains the most famous soft drink cou ntry under th e headings in in the w o rld, but its exact ingredients are s till a tra d e secret!

W ho says each sentence? Q Listen, read, and see check. In t o n a t io n : exclamations p. Does 2 Any good? Q L iste n and check, th e n say. A: Do you need any help? B: Oh, yes please.

Use th e sente n ce s in Exs. W h a t size are you? A: Let me take a quick look These are th e last pair in yo u r size.


B: Great. Can I try them on, please? A: Sure, th e fittin g room s are over there. Ask to please. Can I have your ID, please?

B: Here you are. A: Just sign here, please. Your receipt is in the bag. B: Thank you very much. A: Goodbye. Meet Joanne Massey who is b Loo k a t th e p ic tu re. W h a t living in a s time warp! Joanne Massey, from Birm ingham , England, not c T h in k o f th e k itc h e n in y o u r only cherishes these times, but has also chosen to live as people did back then! Her home is just like a s tim e capsule with retro hou se. C o m pa re it w ith th e decor and second-hand v in ta g e appliances.

Her cooker, which o n e in th e p ic tu re. Joanne also loves s fashion and never leaves the house without her electrical appliances whereas th e In th e firs t paragraph, w e learn t h a t A Joanne lives as cheaply as she can. В Joanne was born in th e s. С repairing and reusing things. D living life a t a slo w er pace.

Joanne and Kevin can also be seen driving around in a year-old Ford Anglia!

Autistic screeching bedeutung

The quote from Joanne in the final paragraph W h a t kind o f person do you expresses her belief t h a t Give reasons A the world was a better place in the 50s. В people were happier in the 50s. С there is nothing good about the 21st century.

In three minutes w rite a few sentences on the D more people should live as she does. Read them to your partner or to the class. W h at do you think Babylon, one o f the seven wonders o f the ancient a skyscraper farm is? H ow does it world, te ll o f a structure with lush green gardens on different levels w ork?

Autistic screeching bedeutung

Read th e te x t to find out. These are long gone, but as our m odern consum er society continues to drain the w orld o f its resources, the population rises and food prices soar, a m odern-day equivalent m ay soon be springing up in your neighbourhood! According to UN statistics, by the year , the population of planet Earth will have risen to over 9 billion and feeding 1 these people will require extra farmland the size of Brazil! Finding this agricultural land will be a 2 challenge, but one that some creative scientists believe Solar panels and they have solved with the idea of vertical farming.

The idea is actually very wind turbines simple. Just as an apartment block has different storeys, a vertical farm power the will have many different floors growing a variety of fruit and vegetables. On one floor there will be lettuces, on the next floor carrots and on another tomatoes, and so on. The walls will be made of glass to allow in sunlight and instead of soil, the produce will be grown in a solution of nutrients and water.

Different storeys Dr Dickson Despommier, a professor at Columbia University, points out grow a variety of that just one storey building could provide food for 10, people. Often, by the time food 4 on your plate, it will have been travelling for days or even months!

Crops nearer the glass would get more light which means they would grow quicker than crops farther away. The only whole floor to get 5 sunlight would be the top one. Possible solutions include having a permanent light source on every floor Glass walls like the ones we now have in industrial greenhouses. At the moment, the allow in C heck th e s e w o rd s They w ill have finished 6 A charge С cost making the roof garden before the end o f next week.

J Choose th e correct w o rd. Check By next month, James w ill have been w orking at the farm for five years. Time expressions used with future perfect continuous use: by Tell you r partner. W h a t did you learn from th e te xt? W hy are vertical farms a good idea? H ow can th ey b en efit society? In three m inutes w rite a fe w sentences on this topic.

Read your sentences to th e class. There is one e x tra problem. Faulty products В There was som ething m issing. J С The custom er has changed th e ir m ind. E There is a paym ent problem. Listen F The w ro n g item was sent to the custom er.

W h a t did each person ask for? The earphones are dam aged. Have you got the receipt? Could you give me in it. Have you g o t your receipt, please? Many people enjoy bargain-hunting, but our quest to pay products. The following is a guide to responsible 5 I prefer big chain-store retailers. I 7 I never buy recycled products.

Be ethical: 8 I try to avoid unnecessary While you probably have no problem remembering where you bought your packaging. T-shirt from, do you actually know where and how it was made?

Find out where they manufacture their 10 I usually buy things th a t are on sale. How do they treat their employees? Are they b Do you kn o w h o w to be a involved in sweatshops or the use of child labour? These days, the Internet is a mine of information on big companies and how they operate. Also, you responsible shopper?

Be green: First of all, choose products that use fewer natural resources, and avoid Read th e te x t and com plete th e goods which come in unnecessary packaging. The goal is not to waste sentences. Then exp lain th e anything! Another great option is buying second-hand. You can find a w ords in bold.

Also, think twice before you throw anything out: you could always try to recycle your belongings yourself! Spending wisely involves some thought and 4 Instead o f th ro w in g th in g s away, research as well. First of all, before you buy, be clear about what you want to w e s h o u ld One great way to save money is to take 5 C om paring prices helps u s The goal is to find a good balance between being Fill in: working, hard-earned, reduced, ethical, being green, and using good money sense!

C heck th e s e w o rd s M ake sentences using th em. How m ight this 7 spend In three minutes, Tell the class or your partner. I am w ritin g to complain about an mp3 player order I placed In the first paragraph, we w rite our through your website www.

Unfortunately, opening remarks, including our reason I experienced a number of problems w ith the product, as detailed fo r w ritin g and a b rie f description o f below. I ordered a Cooltunes mp3 player and, despite the In the main body paragraphs, we promise that I would receive the item w ithin 5 working days, it did present details abo ut w h a t the not arrive until 2nd May, over 10 days later. However, this was missing. In addition, I feel I deserve an explanation for the reasons.

I am sending the item back to you together w ith my invoice. In the final paragraph, w e include the I look forw ard to your prom pt reply. We can use mild or strong language to express o u r com plaints depending on our feelings or th e seriousness o f th e com plaint.

C o m plete th e ta b le w ith th e com plaints and th e ir Mild Complaint: I am writing to complain ju stific atio n s. Strong Com plaint: I am w riting to Complaints Justifications express my disgust a t th e M ark th e sentences 0 fo r opening or С fo r closing A rem arks.

D closing com m ents I insist on an apology, as w e ll as a fu ll refund. As a Despite your assurance that I would regular custom er o f yours I feel very disa p p o in te d w ith th e w a y I receive a refund W rite you r em ail o f co m plaint w o rd s.

Use b Join th e com plaints to th e ir phrases from th e Useful Language box. I disappo inted w h en it arrived. I am w riting to com plain To make matters w orse I would player was m u lti-re g io n a l.

It can appreciate it if y o u I look forw ard to The seller said it was as U seful lan g uag e good as new. The smell o f chemicals was suffocating and the heat was intense. M y supervisor held up the shirt I was sewing.

Reach each w ear it again. But paragraph to understand the main then I saw an advert in a local new spaper fo r yo u n g people to take p a rt 10 idea. Look a t the headings and find in a TV docum entary. We w o u ld be w o rk in g at a clothes fa c to ry in N ew words or inform ation in the D elhi, India, fo r tw o weeks to fin d o u t h o w m anufacturers c ould make paragraphs th a t relate to them.

I was studying journalism at university, so this Match the heading to the seemed perfect. A nd after all, h o w hard could m aking T-shirts be? As I approached, I 15 appropriate paragraph. The there is on extra heading.

When you supervisor show ed m e the basem ent w here I w o u ld be w o rk in g. I sat d o w n at one o f th e o ld sewing machines. Today, I was sew ing pockets o n to shirts and m y goal was fifty 20 o f the paragraphs. I fe lt like crying. Read th e rubric, th en read th e 3 I w o rke d fo r 12 hours, w ith just fifteen m inutes fo r lunch, b u t at te x t th ro u g h quickly. T hat evening, I spoke w ith som e o f the y o u n g girls. Use am , b u t there is no o th e r w o rk here," she explained.

It was th e m ost exhausting tim e o f m y life. In together. Eventually, I was d e m o te d to the phrases in th e paragraphs low liest position in the fa cto ry - sew ing on buttons. I started teaching her to read. Lack o f education is a m ajor p ro b le m here. В H ealth risks Back hom e, I refuse to g o in cheap h igh street shops anym ore 45 С D oing my b it because they m ake m e feel sick.

I hope th a t w hen people see the b Do th e task. We all need to understand th e tru e cost o f cheap clothes. W ho w ould Listening M ultip le m atching ask each: the customer or the shop assistant? Q You w ill hear fo u r short dialogues. D efine w h e re these dialogues ta k e place. Use th e places A-E from th e list only once. There is one e x tra place in th e list.

Writing a description of a place. Articles describing a place Descriptions o f places or buildings can be found in magazines, travel brochures or on websites.

We usually use present tenses for descriptions o f places and past tenses to w rite about historical facts or actions in the past. Use a variety o f adjectives and adverbs and your A clothes shop D cafe senses to bring your description alive. В post o ffice E shoe shop С electronics shop a Read th e rubric and u n d erline th e key w ords.

W h a t m ust you include? An English m agazine fo r to u ris ts is looking Speaking Buy clothes fo r articles a b o u t in te re stin g places to go shopping in your area e. In shopping street, a d e p a rtm e n t store, a mall.

Com pare w ith yo u r partner. Fill in th e gaps w ith the proper 6 lexical form o f th e capitalised w ords. Vending machines have been around for a lot longer than we m ight think.

A Greek However, vending machines as we w ould recognise them made their first Since then, their Nowadays, vending machines sell everything from live lobsters and fresh eggs to gold bars and works of art.

So how w ill vending machines change in the future? Some will have touch screens th a t give customers Key word transform ations Complete the gapped sentences so th a t they have a similar m eaning to the original ones.

Use tw o to five w ords including th e w ord given. Accurate spelling and gram m ar is required. AS The dress I had expected Fill in th e sentences w ith th e correct w o rd derived from th e w o rd in brackets.

We need some bread. Collocations Fill in: fo, on, at, of, for, from. Fill in: m anual, medical, appliances, responsible, high-heeled, advice, loyalty, sliding. Do or make? C o m plete th e phrases. Check in 6 This T-shirt is m ade M ark th e sentences T tru e or F false. Correct th e false sentences. Fabrican to o k 20 years to develop.

Levi Strauss used denim to design 8 Products are sold o ff a t reduced trousers fo r teenagers. W h at do you know about the place? W hat w ould you like to know? Think o f tw o questions. The market covers an area of 3 km2 and is constructed on three 2 Read th e te x t and m ark th e levels.

Correct th e other traditional wooden carvings and is very popular with tourists. Fur hats, linens, pottery, chess sets, toys and beautiful hand-made false statem en ts. You can find just about everything Russian at 2 A lo t o f to u ris ts v is it the Izmaylovo Market and people say that prices on a lot of items are a lot m arket.

There are also lots of food stalls serving 3 Products sold a t th e m arket fast food such as kebabs. Although the market is officially open every te n d to be cheaper th a n in day from 9 am to 6 pm some sellers only come at the weekend so Saturday and Sunday is the best time to visit if you are looking for a th e centre o f M oscow.

Its beautiful surroundings also make it a great tim e to visit th e m arket. Use th e w ords in th e to present 6 stre e t m usician W rite a parag raph describing it. Present it to th e class. V o c a b u la r y Community action 1 M atch th e phrases to th e In pair th in k o f you r « pictures. Tell an o th e r recycle old m aterials pair. A look a fte r stray animals. V o c a b u la r y Members of society A day in the shoes of Turning year-old me into an year-old was no easy task; with the help of a make-up artist, I had to be covered with layers of prosthetic make-up.

After putting on a shabby coat and holding tightly onto a walking stick, my transformation was complete - and very convincing! Then it was time to set out to see how the world would react. Making sure that my voice sounded old and weak, I immediately tried to make small talk on the bus with the young woman sitting next to b Q Listen to fo u r people me. She stared straight ahead. She might not have heard, I thought.

Then it was time for some shopping. Later, in a music shop, my request for some CDs was met with. I felt incredibly embarrassed m em bers o f society from Ex.

Say a fe w sentences a b o u t th e ir and lonely, as if nothing about me was important, except that I was lifestyle. All day, only one person seemed to want to chat to me - a homeless man, he too was invisible and unwanted by society. Over the next 50 years, the 3 Look at the people in the pictures number of elderly people in society will triple.

Remember that the in the te x t. One day, it could be you! Q Listen and read to fin d out. When I arrived there, I was shocked to see men and women already curled up in most of the doorways. I finally dozed off, only to be woken up at about 5 am by the cleaners who arrived to wash the steps. As I walked, people avoided looking at me and crossed the road.

I walked into a cafe to use the toilet and I was angrily told I had to leave. My eyes were red and puffy, my skin pale and my hair was frizzy. I looked terrible. Later, at a soup kitchen, I got a free hot meal and I spoke to people who were on the streets because of terrible debts or family break-ups.

My day as a homeless person has taught me how much the homeless need our help, not our judgment. These days, I donate money to a homeless charity and volunteer at a soup kitchen. Maybe you could do the same. R e w rite th e sentences. Use: 1 Tracy changed her looks in order to Tell the class. Tell your partner. This way the crime rate w ill drop. V h a t w o u ld you do if you had th re e m onths to do up to my first English lesson were really friendly and eager to v h a te v e r you w a n te d?

M itch M cG regor spent his learn. They only got one meal a day of just rice and beans hree m onths in Rio de Janeiro, B razil, w h e re he and at night they slept under bridges and in doorways, but a u g h t English to homeless s tre e t children.

He to ld these children saw learning English as a possible way out of j s all a b o u t his life-changing experience. As days went by, I got used to the place. During wanted to volunteer, but where and how? My parents had put around and I found out why Brazilians have a reputation as me through school, fed and clothed me, and given me plenty the best football players!

Then we cooked and ate together, of love and affection. So, after reading about the favelas, the but at the end of the day when they left to go b a ck I often wondered whether I would ever see them again. I set off for Rio de Janeiro where I would join a volunteer someone who was bom and lives in Rio de Janeiro. It was group that taught basic skills such as hygiene, literacy, the school, though, that made my time in Brazil truly special. English, and business skills in a makeshift school in the heart Even though I was the teacher, the street children taught me a lot more.

I learnt that no matter how bad conditions are, there of the favelas. The residents of these slums, which stretch up is always hope for the future. My time in Brazil was eye- the hillsides around and away from the wealthier city centre, make up about one fifth of the population of Rio de Janeiro.

I was going to work in a school which gave those kids a basic education. Read th e title o f th e te x t, th e in tro d u ctio n , My first day at school was really nerve-racking.

The ten children who turned like? Q Listen and read to fin d o u t. J u s tify tense. В do th e same as his friends. D fo rg e t his ow n problem s. A close to c ity centre. В five tim es larger than th e urban centre. С w h ere fo u r fifth s are unem ployed. Бёе pp. В he had to cook as w e ll as teach. I wish I had gone to Rio. I wish I had enough money. С gave him Portuguese lessons. C hoose fiv e o f th e phrases and Spanish. Type 0 about your experience. Read your le tte r to the class.

There is Q Listen and read to find o u t. Justify yo u r answ ers. Now Glastonbury Festival is one of the 2 Fill in: perform ing, loyal, music, largest, most popular greenfield music and performing arts festivals solstice, raise, pitch, stands, live, in the world, raising thousands of pounds for charity and attracting muddy, a ttract, spiritual, , or more people to see over live performances every year! The organisers of Glastonbury have always considered it to be a vegetarian.

Use th e com pleted special, mystical place; it takes place on a weekend in June around the phrases to m ake sentences time of the summer solstice, in the Vale of Avalon, a part of southwest a b o u t th e fe s tiv a l.

England famous for its legends, mythology, and spiritual traditions. First things first; you pitch your tent in a huge usually very 3 m oney fo r charity muddy field, or you rent a teepee. Wander over to the Green Fields and you can 5 sum m er Everywhere, there are food stands, performers, If in doubt, the organisers say, just wander around because Glastonbury is full of surprises. The festival organisers modelled it after the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, choosing a pyramid shape to ICT Find in fo rm ation attract the energy of the sun and stars!

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Glastonbury supports many charities including WaterAid, w hat you can do there. Oxfam, and Greenpeace.